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Premium Features


By becoming a Premium Account, you will gain many passive benefits.

How can I obtain a Premium Account?
There's 3 ways to directly obtain a Premium Account:

Buy Premium Scrolls directly in-game from npc Ginale, located in Loney depot
Get Premium Scrolls casually from events or non-regular situations
Buy it with web Points, obtainable by donating to our server

We want to encourage our players to obtaining it in-game by full grinding, but also we would like to gratify ones that keep the server alive by donating.

What are the benefits of Becoming a Premium Account then?

Receive %50+ more XP in your first two stamina hours (Happy Hours)
Ability to promote your character's vocation and get less death penalty when dying
Faster health and mana points regeneration
Unlock exclusive outfits, such as Retro and many more

What are you waiting for? get your Premium Account to enjoy the most of Loney!

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