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Status: ONLINE

Last joined us: Akilla. Welcome and wish you a nice game!
Message of the day: Welcome to Loney! Please download our latest client to play.
Free Houses: 418
Server location: North America
Rented Houses: 95
World Type: PVP
Towns: 11
Client: Download
22/July/2024 - Summer Patch

Dear Loney players, today we have applied a small patch to the server, in which we applied the following changes:

A new hunting ground have been added in Loney: Warlock's Elite Unit Academy.
Symbol Tombs bosses loot drop reduced in a 15%, we also removed the stairs located in their rooms.
We have added a new boss: The Snake God, which is located eastern-Urbera, has 2-hour cooldown and can drop the new amulet The Snake God Amulet!
Also, we have fixed small visual bugs or typos all around the map.

Feel free to use the command !report if you see something you think is wrong, you will be gratified!
Loney Team

04/April/2024 - Freemium!

Dear players, as an appreciation-token, we added 30 days of free Premium Account to all our existing accounts in Loney.

Also, we been watching and reading the reports regarding this new content-update so this is a call to ask you to please report any strange situation you observe within the game with the command !report

Keep enjoying the update!
Loney Team

02/April/2024 - Loney's 2024 Official Update is here!

Dear Loney players, today we are glad to announce that our 2024 official content-update is finally here!

Highlighted changes in our 2024 update:

Added more dungeon bosses.
Density of 20% of spawns in whole map improved.
Added new houses and revamped existing ones all around the map.
Improved loot drops for all quest and raid bosses.
New area & quest: The Symbol Tombs.
New area & quest: The Asura Mirror.
New items for all four-vocations.
New monsters and bosses.
... and many more!

Also, in the next two weeks we are planning to launch a new bundle of exclusive outfits.

But players, this is not everything. We want to announce right now that our next updates will be in patch forms, and not in major updates forms. For example, if we create a new area or quest, it will be launched as soon as possible to the live server; and this decision was made cause - as we are adult developers with limited time to create, it is exhausting to assemble everything created to get a major update at once.

With no more words to say, enjoy your server and this great update!
Loney Team

30/December/2023 - Happy Holidays!

Dear Loney players...

We heavily bowing for a better year for you and we hope this time is being used to be by the side of your loved-ones.

Also... we been cooking our BIGGEST update ever! Keep an eye OPEN

Have fun and a wonderful party!
Loney Team


29/November/2022 - Server Update

Loney's 2022-Fall update is finally here!

Dear players, we would like to introduce our newest update to the server content, highlighting the following changes:

Ab'Dendriel sightly revamped.
Zion Steppe expanded.
New monsters, mini-bosses and bosses.
New major area & quest: The Wolf Cult Quest.
Modified spawn density over certain areas.
New spells for Sorcerers and Druids (Vertical Freeze & Horizontal Blaze).
New outfits: Rascoohan (Store) & Philisopher.
Introduced special potions: Moon Milk & Magicax Potion.
...and many, many changes more!

Thank you for playing, we wish you a good time!
Loney Team

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